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Leaders join provincial delegations to deliberate on Government Work Report

Global Guide news portal2024-06-03 23:01:44【health】5People have gathered around

IntroductionPremier Li Qiang urged Yunnan province to take the initiative in opening up, and to better integrate

Premier Li Qiang urged Yunnan province to take the initiative in opening up, and to better integrate with the country's coordinated regional development, when he joined his fellow deputies from the province in a deliberation on the Government Work Report on Tuesday.

The province, which borders Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam, should focus on the development of its distinctive industries that have comparative advantages, he said during the ongoing annual session of the National People's Congress.

He also stressed the importance for Yunnan, a once poverty-stricken province, to take concrete measures to consolidate and expand on the achievements it made during the poverty-alleviation campaign.

As China has embarked on a path of high-quality development, Li called on the deputies to seize every favorable opportunity and utilize every favorable condition to promote the improvement and growth of the economy.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi, as well as Vice-President Han Zheng, also participated in deliberations on the Government Work Report with their fellow NPC deputies on Tuesday afternoon.

During discussions with NPC deputies from Sichuan province, Zhao said that the province should rely on scientific and technological innovations to nurture new economic drivers and advantages for development, and to better serve and integrate with the nation's development strategy.

He also urged the province to guarantee and improve people's well-being during the development process and speed up making itself a pilot region for building a beautiful China.

Speaking with the deputies from Guizhou province, Wang called for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting rural vitalization so that people can gain a sense of fulfillment.

Guizhou should also step up efforts for ecological progress in order to turn lucid waters and lush mountains into invaluable assets, Wang said.

While deliberating with his fellow deputies from Liaoning province, Ding underlined the importance of advancing high-quality development and building up its strengths to address risks and challenges.

He acknowledged the progress made by Liaoning in revitalization and development, and encouraged the northeastern province to break new ground and strive to pursue a new path of high-quality and sustainable development.

Speaking with fellow deputies from Fujian, Li Xi called on the province to seize major development opportunities, proactively integrate with the country's overall development, and explore a new path for integrated development across the Taiwan Strait.

While participating in a deliberation with NPC deputies from Shandong province, Han stressed the importance of promoting high-level sci-tech self-reliance, accelerating the development of new quality productive forces and expanding high-level opening-up.

Very good!(9)